Contact Us

Questions, comments, just want to say hi? Use the form on the right to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Raeanne + Christopher

Pittsburgh, PA

The simple life isn't always easy and the easy life isn't necessarily simple. Together we strive to live a life of purpose - creating, exploring, experiencing and sharing. We look to find the beauty in everyday. In sharing our story with you we hope you find inspiration, discover new passions or reignite old ones, cultivate a community, make new friends, slow down and be present. Live the good life.



Everyone loves a reason to gather.

Gathering is an age-old tradition and one that holds a special place in our hearts. From planning to designing, and creative collaboration we love to be involved in all aspects of gathering. With two kiddos underfoot we don’t host nearly as many gatherings as we used to, but we are always looking for a reason to!

Dining, drinking, harvesting, cooking, celebrating.