Contact Us

Questions, comments, just want to say hi? Use the form on the right to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Raeanne + Christopher

Pittsburgh, PA

The simple life isn't always easy and the easy life isn't necessarily simple. Together we strive to live a life of purpose - creating, exploring, experiencing and sharing. We look to find the beauty in everyday. In sharing our story with you we hope you find inspiration, discover new passions or reignite old ones, cultivate a community, make new friends, slow down and be present. Live the good life.



At Fernwood + Fryer food feeds our souls. 

Food for us is a ritual, an art, an expression. From brewing coffee to kneading bread to cobbling together a meal of pantry staples and wilting vegetables, bringing together ingredients and turning them into meals feeds our souls and fuels our fires. We eat at home most nights turning to time-honored traditions of seasonal eating and simple, everyday comfort foods. We are accidental vegetarians, although we both eat meat, our home cooked meals center around grains, fruits and vegetables. Cooking for the family is fun, but we are always inspired and excited by the opportunity to entertain and share a meal with friends and family. When we open our home we open our hearts. We are happiest gathered around a table of good food, friend and libations.