Contact Us

Questions, comments, just want to say hi? Use the form on the right to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you! 

Raeanne + Christopher

Pittsburgh, PA

The simple life isn't always easy and the easy life isn't necessarily simple. Together we strive to live a life of purpose - creating, exploring, experiencing and sharing. We look to find the beauty in everyday. In sharing our story with you we hope you find inspiration, discover new passions or reignite old ones, cultivate a community, make new friends, slow down and be present. Live the good life.

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Contact Us

Located in Western Pennsylvania, on what my husband loving refers to as Fernwood Glen, we are situated on 12 acres of serene and beautifully wooded land we are fortunate enough to call home. 

We hope to have you over ONE DAY!

In the meantime, our presence is online only. 

Working full time limits our ability to stay connected so please forgive us if we are a little slow to respond. But don't let that stop you! We want to hear from you. Please feel free to reach out at any time at info@fernwoodandfryer .com or by completing the form below.